Monday 9 April 2012

Happily tired

Hi there!
It's been a while since I've been posting anything.....not like I posted that much though. But it has been a very busy weeks...well, actually months for me. Which is good. But everytime I reached weekend I get so tired all I wanna do is just having a long lazy breakfast...taking a late long shower...made some bad food ( and I mean reeeaally really bad, which most of the times includes butter, mayo, or fried stuffs, or all of those at the same time) and then sitting on my couch watching a marathon of Korean series, or The Kardashians.
Beside working, I am busy with cursus, traineeships at restaurants (with abnormally long hours) and my soon to begin specialized pastry course.
So..... I am tired...but I am definitely happy, cause I am allowed to do the things I love and learn so much these days. Well see U next time then...and take care.

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