Sunday 6 February 2011

Desperately blogging...

I now this sounds soo stupid...but,..can anyone tell me how to post more than one picture in a post. Everytime i try to post more pictures i replace the first one instead.
I really appreciate if someone please kindly tell me how to do it(I've been googling it too but can't find any).
Thank You!!



  1. Hi Yana, kalau misalnya kamu mau add more pictures, kamu musti klik 'Add another image' yg tulisannya biru, diatas kolom utk upload picture kamu. Kamu bisa upload pictures sebanyak 5 kali sekaligus. Kamu juga bisa upload fotonya one by one. Jadi setalah udah selesai upload fotonya, kamu hrs teken button utk upload picture lagi. I know this sounds confusing, but try it, it's really not that hard...!

  2. Hi CG...i just tried it,well..i got the same problem again..let's say..I wanna put the picture in the middle of my post(in the middle of my writings). But showed up on top,so i got double pics under the post tittle=(
    I'm sorry..u must think i'm a moron aren't u??hehe

  3. Hi again Yana, everytime you upload a new picture, it will always appear at the top, what you should do is, you cut/copy the picture (by right clicking your mouse and choose the option 'cut' or 'copy') then paste the pic underneath your writing or anywhere you want it to be. (you can paste the pic by pressing 'ctrl v').

  4. Yes!!!i did it!!!!thank u thank u thank u sooo much.Check it at my Chocolate-Coconut Mousse Cake post.From ur tutorial=)
